
Apistocracy pre-order store

Created by Heather Dixon

You're invited to make your season debut in a game that blends worker placement and trick-taking with the delights of Victorian London.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Apistocracy Rules and Pledge Manager Update
17 days ago – Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 06:52:11 PM

The Apistocracy rule book has been updated and edited and is available by clicking on the image below. If you look it over and see anything that needs further clarification or edits please let me know! I am currently compiling the index and working on an accompanying quick set-up and reference sheet.

Final art files for Apistocracy, the Masquerade Expansion and the Victorian Whist Box have been uploaded to Panda Manufacturing and I look forward to receiving the updated prepress components within the next month. After I receive and approve them the manufacturing stage will begin!

The Apistocracy pledge manager will be closing soon. If you have not yet finished your survey there are only a few more weeks to do so. If you pledged at the Artist's Muse or Queen's Favorite level and we have not yet connected then I will be sending you an email regarding the custom art process within the next few days. 

With most of the preproduction tasks done I have had more time this past month to work on new designs and to attend board game related events. The highlight event was Stonemaier Games Design Day in St. Louis, MO. This year I attended as a playtester and I had the opportunity to playtest some exciting games (one photographed above). There are several that I will be eagerly watching and eventually adding to my collection when they make their way to market. 

As I mentioned, I have been working on some new designs myself. I look forward to playtesting one design in particular with my local game design group as well as at both ATX Protospiel in a few weeks and BGG CON in November. If you will be attending either of these events and are willing to playtest my game please reach out! I will be sharing more about this particular game design process on Instagram (@apistocracy) in the near future.

Wishing you a very happy fall that is full of friends, family and games!



Conventions, Protospiels and Rule Books
about 2 months ago – Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 08:01:44 PM

In case I have not mentioned it enough, I LOVE to attend board game conventions and protospiels! I have made numerous new friends at these events, many of whom have been instrumental in helping me on my board game design journey. I met two such friends, Mark and Sarah, at Dice Tower West last winter. Mark and Sarah are avid board gamers (IG @thegamerstwo). As it turns out, Mark is also a rules guru. He is now working as a writer and editor with me to make the Apistocracy rule book intuitive and thorough. To that end, I have been spending a significant amount of time in front of the computer updating graphics with the new art and components as well as implementing Mark's edits to the layout and the text. I will be uploading the improved rule book to the link on my website in late September.

I am also continuing to work with Panda Manufacturing to refine the components of the game. The pre-press copy of the game looks great but there are a few minor tweaks to the materials and press files on which I am working. One issue we just solved was sourcing material for the printed player's envelopes. These envelopes were a stretch goal and serve to organize all of the player's components while also adding to the game's narrative.

Although a lot of my time is currently spent at the computer, I have still managed to get to the game table to play with friends and for solo gameplay. I played against the Apistocracy solo mode character, Lady Catherine, and she won two of the three games. I have been playing all of the asymmetric characters against Lady Catherine in an attempt to determine how they rank in difficulty during solo gameplay. 

Other games that I have played with friends in the last few weeks include: Arcs, Indian Summer, Foundations of Metropolis, Scram and several prototypes by fellow designers. I have a very active local game design group, ATX Game Designers, who meet regularly and provide me with many opportunities to play both prototypes and published games. I am happy to say our group will be hosting our second annual protospiel this October. Last year's inaugural event was a great success and brought together over 100 designers and game board enthusiasts for 2 days of playtesting and socializing in Austin, Texas. This year it also happens to be taking place at the same time as Austin City Limits Festival, so for those of you who also love music It may be worth a trip to Austin this fall! Tickets are currently on sale! If any of you will be able to make it please let me know!

I will also be attending Stonemaier Games Design Day in St. Louis this September. This will be my second year attending. Last year I was fortunate enough to get the Apistocracy prototype to the table. This year I will be attending as a playtester. I am looking forward to seeing old friends, meeting new people and playing other designer's prototypes. 



BackerKit, Pre-press Copy & My Gen Con Schedule
3 months ago – Sun, Jul 28, 2024 at 09:18:22 PM

Click the link above to visit the Apistocracy pledge manager!

The Apistocracy pledge manager is now open and you should have received an email with a request to complete your survey. If you did not receive an email or if you have any questions please let me know!

I will be at Gen Con with the Apistocracy pre-press copy!

I have been busy verifying final art with Panda Manufacturing and they have been sharing photos with me of the pre-press copy (PPC). Above are some of the components including stretch goals. The PPC is in the mail and I am so excited to announce that I will have it with me at Gen Con!

I will be in the First Exposure Playtest Hall in order to playthrough the game with the upgraded components. My schedule is below in case you want to try out the game with the upgrades or you just want to stop by and say hello!

Safe travels to those heading to Gen Con this week. I hope to see you there!



The Apistocracy Final Art & My Metaphorical Hats
4 months ago – Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 07:22:32 AM

The many hats I wear as an independent game designer and publisher...

I have mentioned before about the many hats I wear in the creation of Apistocracy. As of late, I have been donning my artist hat... a beret with a jaunty feather! I am currently full immersed in redrawing and updating the final art for the game and uploading it to Panda Manufacturing in preparation for production. My main goal is to polish the graphics so that they are more intuitive while still retaining the thematic charm. 

Below are some examples of the final art including a few of the player mats, the hive game board and the assembly room gameboard.

Over the last few years Apistocracy has had so many iterations and the art has changed with nearly every one. As an artist and a game designer redrawing art is a major part of my design process. Here is an example of some of the early art and components along the way, including some of my earliest sketches.

Additionally, I have been wearing my development hat (a rattan construction hat adorned with flowers) and working with my friend and colleague, Brad Becker on developing and playtesting the advanced play mode. I have also been playtesting solo mode changes, made by Gabe Barrett, who is sharing his solo design expertise to help me to perfect the Apistocracy solo experience.

Lastly, I have been wearing my pledge manager hat (a serviceable bonnet in a delicate pink satin fabric). I am working with Naylor Games to set up the pledge manager which will be open in early July. I will send an update when it is available.

Perhaps having taken the hat analogy a bit too far, I will conclude this update. Please let me know if you have any thoughts or questions about the progress so far! I hope you are having a wonderful summer that is full of your favorite people, activities and things!



P.S. The artist in me really wanted to illustrate the metaphorical hats that I mentioned. I only refrained because my time is best spent on the game itself.

Thanks to your generous support we funded at 735% of our goal!
5 months ago – Thu, May 23, 2024 at 08:54:15 AM


I can't fully express how grateful and humbled I am by all of your support and encouragement!

The Apistocracy balloon has truly launched! Thanks to the support of so many, the Apistocracy Kickstarter campaign funded at 735% of its goal! Now, I set off to work on wrapping up the final art and developments. Thank you for all of your encouragement and support!

The above picture was taken on my visit to the Waddesdon Estate on my birthday trip to the UK early last month. I wish I was sequestering myself at a similar country manor estate to work on the post campaign wrap up. I will, in fact, be glued to my laptop inside of my home while trying to escape the summer heat of Austin. I do look forward to this next stage as I make all of the necessary preparations for you to make your Apistocracy season debut in the near future!

